4 Quotes & Sayings By Yukito Kishiro

Yukito Kishiro is the author of several manga series. He is best known for his manga series Hunter X Hunter, which has been adapted into various media including anime, video games, and live action film. He also writes the manga series Battle Angel Alita for Kodansha's "Future Boy Conan" spinoff. He is a third-year student at Keio University in Japan.

Freedom is taking control of the rudder of your life.
Freedom is taking control of the rudder of your life. Yukito Kishiro
Science, in all its greatness, is still subject to human creativity. It starts the first moment a child tries to reach up and grab at the clouds. Soon, the child learns that his own hands cannot reach the sky, but his hands are not the limit of his potential. For the human brain observes, considers, understands, and adapts. Locked within the mind is infinite possibility. Yukito Kishiro
The less worth of a man, the greater his pride. Yukito Kishiro